Luke + Tori // Engagement

It's been a while since I updated my website with any recent photography work. The truth is I've been taking lots of pictures of friends, second shooting weddings, photographing my travels, and taking pictures of people in love over the past five months or so, but I've been too occupied with finishing up school that I haven't had the time to put into updating my website and putting my work out there for everyone to see. I'm excited to say that since I have just recently graduated from college (go Tigers!), I will have much more time on my hands which I plan to devote to my photography endeavors this year. I hope you'll follow along with me on this journey as I see where the Lord wants to take me with this passion in the weeks, months, and maybe even years to come! 

With that being said, a few months ago I was honored to take engagement pictures of two beautiful friends of mine, Tori & Luke. I have grown up with Luke, he has always been one of my close friends, and over the past year I have gotten to know Tori and see them together as they have dated and are now engaged. I am so happy for them and I know that the Lord has such great things in store for their future together. These two were the most fun and joyful to take pictures of, and their silly and fun loving nature shows through in these pictures. It says a lot about how much Luke cares about Tori for him to spend an hour and a half taking these pictures and being such a good sport about it! Here's to wishing them a blessed future together as they prepare to start their lives as husband and wife this year!
